Made this goofing around to see if I could compress an entire python program into a single expression. Who said Python Lambda’s aren’t powerful?!

not globals().__setitem__('sys', __import__('sys'))
and not globals().__setitem__('this', sys.modules[globals()['__name__']])
and not globals().__setitem__('time', __import__('time'))
[setattr(this, k, v) for k,v in {
'set_color': (lambda c: w(['*', ' '][c])),
'abs': (lambda t: (t + (t >> 31)) ^ (t >> 31)),
'w': sys.stdout.write,
'smash': (lambda t: -((t * -1) >> 31)),
'color': (lambda n,k: set_color(smash (k & (n - k)))),
'col': (lambda n, k: k <= n and not color(n,k) and col(n,k + 1)),
'row': (lambda n: not w(' ' * (40-abs(n/2)))
and (col(abs(n), 0) or True)
and not w("\n")
and (abs(n) < 63 or n < 0)
and not time.sleep(0.05)
and row(n+1)),
'triangle': lambda: row(-60) or True and triangle()
}.items() ] and triangle() )()